Welcome to the website for Ravin Fields Ministries.  We invite you to attend the services at our 3 churches. The Jesus Way Church located in Belfry, KY on rt 119 beside the Speedway Gas Station. We have services in Belfry Sundays at 11:00 a.m. and every other Thursday at 7pm.  The  Faith Outreach Church located at 1607 East Road in Huntington, WV, we have services there on Wednesdays at 7pm. Our 3rd location is the Jesus Way Church which meets at  in Tazewell, VA at the Tazewell Fairgrounds at the Fuller Peery Hall. Located off of Rt. 460 exit 1 to Tazewell.  We have services in Princeton  twice a month on Thursdays at 7:00 pm. Check the Revival Page for more information. 

Our mission at Ravin Fields Jr. Ministries and The Jesus Way Church is to reach the lost with the everlasting Gospel.  Through preaching, singing, print and any other means to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Our goal is to keep the focus on Jesus, to lift Him up and to bring others to the reality of who God really is

We hope this website is a blessing to you. And we encourage all those who haven't turned to Jesus to please don't wait any longer. Serving Him will fill all the voids, mend the broken hearts and enrich your life in every aspect.  If you don't have a home church we invite you to come be part of our services.